Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Tour de France 2007: The publicity caravan freebies

While waiting for the race to arrive (and pass), people either entertain
themselves or let others entertain them. 

For example, some people eat and drink (a family picnic) and others
sunbathe, read, watch satellite TV, play games and ride up and down the
road. The biggest entertaiment before the actual arrival of the race is
this; The Publicity Caravan.

The Publicity Caravan means Freebies. Here is the report of what
they look like and what they give out. I missed few items, I guess.

I think I am missing the LCL cap, a safety vest from Artagas (?),
Homer/Marge Simpson masks and maybe some others. Otherwise,
my collection is complete and extensive. I did not collect them
because I wanted to take them, but to GIVE others. Whenever I had
extra items, I gave them to those kids around me. I give the detailed 
account of the freebies to the reader of this blog.

As soon as I am done with taking pictures of and examining
 them, they will become gifts for other road race fans who never had
the chance to watch TdF like I did.

Sure, some items I would like to keep beside me, like those shopping cart
tokens (because they are useful), T-shirts (because I wear them) and 

I have freebies from TdF 2006. I have given some of them away, but
I may have time and will to sort them and examine them so that I can
give some comperative report of them. Like the material change of
PMU hands, which was (never proved but) accused of injuring Thor
Hushovd, from paper to soft spongy material.