I have been to Kuurne-Brussel-Kuurne 2010 and Paris-Nice2010 Prologue so far this year.
I post some pictures that I took at these events. Lately I bought Nikon D90, a digital reflex camera. It is good. It has 18mm-200mm zoom lens on it.

I arrived in Monfort-L'Amaury around 8:00 a.m. on Sunday, 7th. I took a walk and found these men setting up the start ramp.

This is a picture of the "Village" placed right next to the Team Parking. They are here to entertain the children. There was a Merry-go-round in the center which was powered by volunteering parents (I guess).

This is how this device is devised. The parents (or anyone who volunteers) have to pedal to make it go round.