Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Yet another surprise, Rund um Köln

Rund um Köln's organizer has announced that 2008's edition would be different
from the previous years' editions.

First of all, it would be held on Sunday, March 23rd 2008. RuK has been
traditionally held on Easter Monday, which will be March 24th in 2008.

The main sponsor of the race, T-Mobile, has not yet been committed to give the
money that once pledged. The race may lose its main sponsor.

If the race organizer can not find the sponsor(s) that will fulfill the obligations
(a lot of money), the race will be held without ProTour teams. And if Team CSC
doesn't participate, there is no reason for me to get there and watch it.

Let's see what will happen.

1 comment:

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