It is Saturday evening, close to midnight. I have not had enough time to
upload the pictures I accumulated throughout April. Tomorrow, 29th
April is the last Sunday. The crazily packed race watch schedule is almost
over. Almost, 1st of May I will go watch Rund um den Henninger Turm
in Frankfurt am Main. Then I can take it easy for a while. I will update
my blog and post some pictures.
I had a flat on my front tire at the end of Amstel Gold Race. I fixed it
with "Tufo Sealant for Tubeless Tubular Tyres". It has been fixed and
seems to be OK. The white liquid seems to have sealed off the hole(s).
Or maybe the casuse of the flat was a loose valve core inside
the valve extension. In any case, the tire is OK.
Let's make some coffee, load up the car and take a shower before
driving to Liège.
upload the pictures I accumulated throughout April. Tomorrow, 29th
April is the last Sunday. The crazily packed race watch schedule is almost
over. Almost, 1st of May I will go watch Rund um den Henninger Turm
in Frankfurt am Main. Then I can take it easy for a while. I will update
my blog and post some pictures.
I had a flat on my front tire at the end of Amstel Gold Race. I fixed it
with "Tufo Sealant for Tubeless Tubular Tyres". It has been fixed and
seems to be OK. The white liquid seems to have sealed off the hole(s).
Or maybe the casuse of the flat was a loose valve core inside
the valve extension. In any case, the tire is OK.
Let's make some coffee, load up the car and take a shower before
driving to Liège.