This shows the summit of small climb on "Am Kräherwald".
Immediately after Herdweg connects to Am Kräherwald, the course is
a climb.

This house number 249b is at the summit.

You are looking down to the ramp where Am Kräherwald connects to
Botnanger Strasse.

You are looking at the off-ramp to Botnanger Strasse.

Here is the off-ramp.

You can read the sign.

Under the overpass, the road goes down.
I went down the Botnanger Strasse and then got lost and could not
find the streets "Rotenwaldstraße bis zur Wende am Birkenkopf
(Rotenwaldstrasse street until the curve at Birkenkopf)". After a
while I got back to this Botnang overpass and continued to examine
the parcours.

While I was lost, I saw this. I am not sure but I think it is downtown
I resumed my study of the parcours and soon got to Beethoven street.

Beethovenstrasse turns here. There is a SEAT dealer. They also
repair VW.

Here until Schmannstrasse, the road is kinda flat but not for long.

I think Feuerbacher-Tal-Strasse starts somewhere here. The road is
going down for a while and stays flat for a while.

Feuerbacher-Tal-Strasse: looking backward

Feuerbacher-Tal-Strasse: looking forward
Feuerbacher-Tal-Strasse connects to Stuttgarter Strasse.

This stands just before the climb at Tunnelstrasse ends. To the right boys!