Tignes. The city of Tignes was very generous to put so many WCs
(restroom) along the route. There were enough parking lots for
campers and enough WCs for the spectators.
This picture is a keeper. It means a lot to me. One of the best
pictures that I took during TdF.
Let me magnify the photo so that you can see how it is special.

It is a picture of Patrik Sinkewitz followed by Kurt-Asle Arvesen.
Arvesen is in the shade made by the Team CSC flag.
Can you see it better now?

Kurt-Asle Arvesen recognized me and then smiled and pointed at me.
I interpreted the gesture as "I appreciate your support, man."
Soon after this the battery of my digital camera ran out. It was a
shame because Dave Zabriskie was going to give me PEACE sign
later that day and I could not capture it.
I interpreted the gesture as "I appreciate your support, man."
Soon after this the battery of my digital camera ran out. It was a
shame because Dave Zabriskie was going to give me PEACE sign
later that day and I could not capture it.

I think it is Ronny Scholz with Shimano's prototype electric shifter.
No. I mean this picture shows "SASTRE" painted by me.
No. I mean this picture shows "SASTRE" painted by me.

Fabian Wegmann and Kjell Carlström? In the backround, 50 meters
behind them, you may be able to read "VOIGT" painted by me.
I read somewhere on the Internet that Fabian Wegmann promised
his girlfriend to be the "Deutscher Meister" so that he (could
wear the special jersey and by doing so) could be easily recognized
anywhere he would be (ex. in the peloton) on TV or by naked eyes.
At the DM event, I saw Fabian Wegmann, immediately after the
finish and a brief media exposure, come over a road barrier and
hold his girlfriend and kiss her with in 2 meter's distance. He is a
man of his word, I am sure.
I think it worked. I unintendedly took a lot of pictures of Fabian
behind them, you may be able to read "VOIGT" painted by me.
I read somewhere on the Internet that Fabian Wegmann promised
his girlfriend to be the "Deutscher Meister" so that he (could
wear the special jersey and by doing so) could be easily recognized
anywhere he would be (ex. in the peloton) on TV or by naked eyes.
At the DM event, I saw Fabian Wegmann, immediately after the
finish and a brief media exposure, come over a road barrier and
hold his girlfriend and kiss her with in 2 meter's distance. He is a
man of his word, I am sure.
I think it worked. I unintendedly took a lot of pictures of Fabian
I did not take pictures of them together. I am a discreet man and
don't want to overexpose him or his private stuff. Here is the
pictures of him getting over the barrier and his back just a few
seconds before he got his girlfriend's kiss.
don't want to overexpose him or his private stuff. Here is the
pictures of him getting over the barrier and his back just a few
seconds before he got his girlfriend's kiss.

Over the barrier. (Wiesbaden Germany)

His girlfriend appeared a moment later. (Wiesbaden Germany)

Thomas Voeckler closely followed by Antonio Colom and Paolo Savoldelli.

Axel Merckx and George Hincapie

It is Serguei Ivanov and Maxim Iglinskiy, I think.

Thomas Lövkvist
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