OK, finally I start uploading the pictures and their smple descriptions.
It is going to take some time to get them right. So be patient!
In the picutres you will also see a one Euro coin. It is there to show
the size of the petits cadeaux. Of course, you already know what
petits cadeaux mean, right? Les petits cadeaux mean the little
gifts or presents (a.k.a freebies).
By the way, one Euro coin measures 23 mm (about an inch) in
Item number: 033
33. The Grand Mere caravan.

I got a lot of these sample coffee packages. They are ground coffee beans
and each package contains 40 grams of tasty stuff.
I would like to buy them (not the sample version but regular marchandise)
in Germany but Grand Mere are not available. I bought a big package of
Grand Mere in France and kept drinking it during the TdF. It tastes
really good, honestly. Alas, Grand Mere coffee is not available in Germany.
I can describe the taste as "deep roasted and less sour".
Item number: 028
Item number: 037
28. The Eurotyre caravan.37. The Faillitaire caravan. The devil caravan.

They are shopping cart tokens. In France (as far as I know, and in
Germany, Austria and so on), you put a one Euro coin or this kind
of token to use a shopping cart at super markets and other stores.
Naturally, they look identical to the sample one Euro coin in size.
The plastic bags beside them are the bags in which they came. The
bag contains a coupon usually. With this Eurotyre freebie, you get a
coupon. You get a discount price on having your tires checked by
their affiliate shops.
Item number: 031
31. The Vision Plus caravan.
It is a very practical stuff if you use a pair of glasses or shades or cameras.
It is a piece of soft cloth that you can wipe them with.

It comes with a coupon.