Item number: 009-1
9. The T-Mobile caravan.

Item number 009-2
T-Mobile T-shirt shape inflatable

Item number: 025
25. The Tele 7 Jours caravan.

Playing cards.
Item number: 041
41. The Sapeurs-Pompiers caravan.

Firefighters' organization?

Item number: 024-1
(the small hand)
24. The PMU caravan.

Item number: 024-2
(the big hand, to be uploaded)
Item number: 018-1
18. The Antargaz caravan.

Item number 018-2
A key ring

Item number: 045-1
45. The Festina caravan.

Item number 045-2
(to be uploaded) A safety reflection band
Kleber also distributed a similar band. Did I say similar? I meant
almost identical.
Item number: 019
19. The Cofidis caravan.

This, I think, can be used to hold you small change.
Item number: 011
11. The Supermarche Champion caravan.

This requires no explanations if you know TdF.
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